About Us

The Active Family is all about helping you create a stimulating home environment for your kids.

We offer a variety of resources for dynamic parents who want to inspire, uplift, and nurture their children with fun, creative activities that get kids moving and thinking.


The Problem with Kids and a Sedentary Lifestyle

Today’s technology dominance encourages a sedentary lifestyle that poses major health risks for children. It’s not just their physical health that can suffer, but their emotional health as well. For example, teen anxiety and depression have gone through the roof in recent years.

While federal guidelines recommend that children and teens engage an hour of moderate-to-vigorous activity each day, the reality falls far short. Video games, television programs, movies, and social media all leave kids glued to chairs, sofas, and beds instead of moving around.

The more time a child spends in front of a screen, the greater they are at risk for obesity. Yet each day, America’s youth spends, on average, a full 6 to 8 hours sitting, whether in or out of school.

Furthermore, many schools have been unfortunately cutting the very programs that might encourage physical activity. The obvious one is PE (Physical Education), but other school programs that would get kids up and active include crafts like wood shop and musical endeavors such as marching band.

Screen time at school is increasing as well, with more and more schools opting to assign children and teens iPads instead of textbooks.

As a parent or caregiver, you have to do that much more to help your kids stay active, because schools aren’t providing as much opportunity as in the past.


The Active Family is Here to Help

At The Active Family, we believe that family time should involve more than just hanging out in front of a widescreen television every evening. However, we realize that coming up with activities for the family can be challenging, especially for busy parents who are juggling jobs and home responsibilities.

This is why we have compiled so much information on this website to help you. You’ll find ideas here on everything from the best family card games to picnic lunch ideas. Perhaps your family can make a garden as a group, or volunteer together to help the needy.

While we’re not against computers per se (we have a whole Tech section on our site), we believe your kids can get a tremendous benefit from old-fashioned games and outdoor activities like flying a kite. Family camping is another great way to get the kids outdoors while encouraging family bonding. When you are done, you’ll have memories that will last a lifetime, which is simply not the case when watching a TV show.


Get Inspired with Fun Family Activities from The Active Family 

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